Well... unfortunately not. I will not get into much specifics here, however, I will say that I am not in the best of mental conditions right now, and as an attempt to improve on that I am trying to minimize the number of things I have to worry about as much as I can. This blog, unfortunately, is one of them.
When I started writing this and getting into the whole music alternate timeline shtick in general, it was great fun for me, thinking of how things could've turned out differently. However, over time, it has become somewhat of a chore having to wrap my head around all the different concepts and discographies and implications, not to mention setting a bit of a deadline for myself in having at least a few posts out every month.
This blog operates under a very specific niche that has a very small target audience, and as much as I appreciate everyone who reads this, I simply feel that the pressure of living up to certain expectations I set on myself hopefully appease just a handful of people is too much.
As such, the blog is going on an indefinite hiatus. I don't know when, if ever, I will return to this. It could be next month, it could be the next decade, as well as it could be not at all. I am not certain.
So with that being said, I would like to thank everyone for reading, if you have any further comments or would like to directly talk to me, send me an email, which is on my Blogspot profile page. I wish you all the best.
- Auran